Gadget Fabrications
 Supplier of the Maximus range of equipment

Aluminium free standing Wing Jumps

These free standing jumps were designed to be light weight and stable.

With a pivoting foot, the jumps can be flat packed for ease of storage.

Utilising a single height adjustable  aluminium cup which is not affected by the sun or harsh treatment like plastic cups, they are very durable.

Being a single cup it reduces the chance of injury due to contact with other fixed height cups during tight turns or contact with the upright.

For height adjustment the cup can easily be raised or lowered to the desired height.

Being aluminium they can be supplied plain silver, or powder coated in a range of standard colours to suit your preference. Fluorescent colours are also available for a small charge.

Designed to meet ADAA and ANKC standards.

The height of the jump is 1200mm with a wing width of 400mm giving a total width including wings of 2000mm and only weigh 4kg per pair of jumps. With a stable footing they can easily withstand those windy days.