Gadget Fabrications
 Supplier of the Maximus range of equipment

Customer Dog Walks

Fold-up 6 piece height adjustable ANKC Dog Walk with ADAA contact zones 

This custom 6 piece fold-up Dog walk was built to suit the customers requirement to train with both ANKC and ADAA standards. Utilising the ANKC size Dog walk with the smaller 914mm ADAA standard contact zones. The theory that if the contact zones are achievable with the ADAA size, then ANKC which is 1100mm should be no problem. With fully adjustable height from 500mm, 750mm, 1000mm and 1200mm without slats.

Colours chosen are mottle blue with mottle yellow contact zones

3 piece height adjustable ADAA Dog Walk with slats 

An ADAA standard walk with fully adjustable height from 500mm, 750mm, 1000mm and 1300mm with slats.

Colours chosen are mottle blue with mottle yellow contact zones

Set at lowest height of 500mm for training

Full height of 1300mm

Mini Dog Walk

Mini Dog walk which features adjustable height from 300mm?to 700mm full height. The colour selection chosen was hot pink with a mottle blue/purple contact zone.


3 piece height adjustable ADAA Dog Walk - no slats 

An ADAA standard walk with fully adjustable height from 500mm, 750mm, 1000mm and 1300mm without slats.

The colours chosen were hot pink with lime green contact zones. Works well.

Set at lowest height of 500mm for training

Set at full height of 1300mm